摘要: 通过对敦煌舞的简单介绍,概括敦煌舞蹈中各种舞姿的种类与外部特征。敦煌舞“S”形体态中妩媚的表情和柔美的曲线,在舞台上表现的淋漓尽致。三道弯的体态在敦煌舞姿中是不可或缺的重要元素,使得敦煌舞姿更加美轮美奂,把人物表现的更加婀娜多姿、高雅端庄、温婉秀丽、柔曼美妙。受佛教的影响,佛教有着普度众生的观念,芸芸众生一心向“善”使信徒有心灵的归属感,是灵魂的寄托与希望。敦煌舞通过各种舞姿表现了佛国的仙乐仙舞,展现佛国世界的和谐与大爱。在美学角度中概括敦煌舞姿的美,就美学角度来看敦煌舞的审美特性,涉及了艺术审美本质,从舞姿中的特点来看,不只是单纯的舞姿,是审美风格与文化内涵合一的艺术气质。从敦煌舞的审美规范中总结概括出敦煌舞的审美特性。敦煌舞蹈以舞传情,以情动人,意境幽美,曲线美感的审美规范,呈献给观众独特的艺术风韵与艺术价值。
关键词 敦煌舞姿,特点,美学角度,审美规范
Abstract:Based on the simple introduction to the Dunhuang dance, general type and external characteristics of all kinds of dance in the dance of Dunhuang. Dunhuang dance "S" shaped expressions and charming mellow body in the curve, on the stage performance of the most incisive. The three bends the body is an indispensable element in Dunhuang dance, the Dunhuang dance more
magnificent; ornate; fascinating characters, have more very pretty and charming. Elegant, slender and beautiful, gentle and charming, gentle beautiful. Influenced by Buddhism, Buddhism has to deliver all living creatures from torment concept, numerous living beings as one to "good" make believers have spiritual sense of belonging, is the soul for hope. Dunhuang dance performance as the ethereal immortal dance through a variety of dance, to show a harmonious world of Buddha and great love. Summary of Dunhuang dancing in the aesthetic point of view of beauty, aesthetic point of view of aesthetic characteristics of Dunhuang dance, relates to the aesthetic essence, from the characteristics of the dance, not just a simple dance, aesthetic style and cultural connotation is one of the artistic temperament. Summary of Dunhuang dance aesthetic characteristic of aesthetic standards from the Dunhuang dance in. Dunhuang dance to dance by emotions, to love moving, beautiful artistic conception, aesthetic curves method was presented to the audience, has a unique artistic charm and artistic value.
Keyword:Dunhuang dance Characteristic The aesthetic point of view The aesthetic standard