摘要:民歌在我国有着悠久的历史,具有无限的生命力,是我国丰富多彩的民族艺术宝库中的重要组成部分之一。信天游是流行于陕北地区的一种民歌艺术形式,它是一种能够真实反映陕北地区人民生活的民歌体裁,人们借助这种艺术形式来抒发其内心的真实情感,同时也记录了生活中的点点滴滴。在这广袤无垠的黄土高原上,天高地远、千沟万壑、一眼望不到边的黄土。在这样恶劣的环境中人们过着面朝黄土背朝天的生活;环境的恶劣、交通的相对闭塞,使人们的性格和毅力得到了很好的磨练;也造就了陕北人民心胸开阔和豪放的性格特征;同时也使信天游具有一种自由奔放、朴实、无拘无束的独特魅力,塑造了性格鲜明的高原文化和苍凉,悲壮而沉郁的信天游。 也为我国北方民歌的发展作出了卓越的贡献。
关键字 民歌,信天游,艺术魅力
ABSTRACT:Folk music has a long history in China, has great vitality, is an important part of China's rich and colorful folk art treasure house of. Xintianyou is a popular folk art forms in Northern Shaanxi, it is a kind of can reflect people's life in Northern Shaanxi folk song, people with this form of art to express their emotions, but also records the little drops of life. In this vast expanse of the Loess Plateau, from day heights, millions of gullies, endless loess. In such a harsh environment for people to live a mediocre life; poor environment, traffic is relatively out of the way, make people of character and perseverance are well honed; also created the character of Northern Shaanxi people broad-minded and bold; also make believe you have a simple, unique charm free, remain free, shaping the distinctive plateau culture and desolation, tragic and gloomy xintianyou. Also made outstanding contributions to the development of folk songs of North china.
Key Words:Folk song, Xintianyou.,Artistic charm