摘要: 蒙古族安代舞是一种以唱为主,辅以舞蹈动作的民间歌舞形式,它起源于内蒙古库伦旗。这种载歌载舞的舞蹈形式,融合了蒙古民族强烈鲜明的民族特色和浓厚的生活气息,熔铸粗犷与优美于一体,形成了安代舞极其特殊的风格——舞步连贯有力,舞姿优美抒情,其传达的精神魅力更是整个舞蹈的精髓所在。
关键词 蒙古族, 安代舞, 风格特征
ABSTRACT:Mongolia Andai dance is a mainly to sing, dance with the form of folk songs and dances, it originated in Inner Mongolia Kulun flag. This now singing, now dancing dance fusion of Mongolia nation strong distinctive national characteristics and the strong flavor of life, casting rough and graceful in one, formed the Andai dance very special style dance coherence -- strong, graceful lyric, which convey the spirit of the charm is the essence of the dance.
Key Words:Mongolian;Andai dance;Style charact