摘要: 藏族是一个能歌善舞的民族,藏族舞蹈是一种文化表现和象征,它用人类自身的形体动作和思想情感来表现社会活动,体现民族历史文化,传情达意,抒发情怀。由于藏族人民主要分布在西藏、云南、甘肃、青海、四川等省份,地域辽阔的原因导致藏族舞蹈在民间也种类繁多、内容丰富。藏族舞蹈是一支具有独特文化和宗教内涵的舞种,在表演的过程中也展现其独特的民族文化。但随着社会的不断发展和新时代的不断变迁,为了满足人民群众的审美需要,藏族民间舞蹈也在不断创新与发展,这使藏族原生态舞蹈面临着一定程度的冲击与挑战,甚至陷入了一个尴尬的局面,不禁引起了我们的关注与重视。本文主要通过探讨藏族舞蹈的历史起源和发展现状以及其丰富多彩的舞蹈风格,从而使学习者更好地深入了解藏族舞蹈,使其原生态舞蹈精华更好地继承发展下去,不让其流失的前提下,也在发展的过程中加入创新的元素,使藏族舞蹈更好地适应新时代的要求发展下去。
关键字 藏族舞蹈,现状,风格,原生态
ABSTRACT:Tibetan is a singing and dancing , Tibetan dance is a cultural manifestation and symbol of its own with a human body movements to express feelings and thoughts in social activities , reflecting the national history and culture , emotions and express feelings. Mainly due to the Tibetan people in Tibet , Yunnan, Gansu, Qinghai , Sichuan and other provinces, the vast territory of the reasons leading to the Tibetan folk dances are also a wide variety of rich content. Tibetan dance is a unique cultural and religious connotations of the dances in the show is also in the process of performing its unique culture . However, with the continuous development of ever-changing society and the new era , in order to meet the aesthetic needs of the people, Tibetan folk dance is also constant innovation and development , which makes the original ecology of the Tibetan dance facing a certain degree of impact and challenges, even into the an embarrassing situation , can not help but arouse our concern and attention . In this paper, the status quo by exploring the history of the origin and development of Tibetan dance and its colorful dance style , which enable learners to better understand Tibetan dance , so the essence of the original dance better ecological succession continues, let it drain under the premise of the development process is also adding new elements to make Tibetan dance better adapt to requirements of the new era to develop.
Keywords: Tibetan dance,Status,Style,The original ecology