摘要:中国作为一个有上下五千年历史的文明古国, 其民族音乐也有着悠久的传统和极其重要的社会地位。竹笛作为民族乐器中不可或缺的一部分,在民乐的各个领域都取得了骄人的成就。本文致力于对北派梆笛形制、演奏技巧、演奏风格、代表曲目及演奏家几个方面对梆笛进行归纳总结。
关键词:民乐; 梆笛; 北派;
Abstract: China, as a country with a five- thousand-year civilization, has her unique and colorful folk music tradition which holds big attraction to the world as well as her own people.As a indispensable instrument in Chinese , bamboo flute acquire a splendid achievement in Chinese music. This text strive to conclude various facet of north china flute such as shape and structure、playing skills、playing style and on behalf of tracks and performers.
Keywords: Chinese music; North China flute