[关键词]通俗 斜开 强真声 强爆破弱延长 贴近生活
[Abstract] With the popular singing stepping into the field of academism,nowadays, the study of pop music should not be ignored. After the study and organization of the pop music system,the pop music, which has been thought of without rule, has been classified into different kinds of types and styles. While the art on vocal music is a scientific vocal music system ,which has been put forward, aiming at the pop music. It makes the oral cavity open through changing the vertical opening- mouth in the traditional vocal music, inclining mouth and using the mandible as the fulcrum. At the same time, follow the principle of “strong really voice”, “strong explosion, weak extension.” and the inclining state of every vowel. though which can make the use of voice more natural and meet the need of the character of being approachable and closed to daily life in the pop music. It has a summary and promoting impact on the development of the popular music.
[key word] popular singing ; strong really voice ; strong explosion,; weak extension ;closed to daily life