关键词:刘天华 音乐思想 艺术教育 影响
Abstract:Liu tianhua is the modern contemporary innovative musician and educator of China. Improvement of Chinese music is the summary of Liu’s artistic ideas and practice of his whole life. He did reform the instrument erhu, created erhu behaviorism and innovation of musical notation, and besides these achievements he also made a huge influence on the modern contemporary artistic education with his musical thoughts. This article introduces Liu’s work, musical thoughts and the impacts he made on artistic education, which would let the world know more about Liu besides his excellent erhu works.
Keywords:Liu tianhua Music thought Art education Influence
在刘天华之前,我国的民族音乐教学还没有形成一套系统的、科学的教学方法,大多都采用口传心授的方法来传授技艺,培养了一代又一代的艺人。除了古琴、琵琶音乐之外,大多数民间器乐都没有留下准确的乐谱,作为一直在民间流行的胡琴,更受不到重视。刘天华在教学上总结了前人的经验和教训,借鉴了西洋乐器的教学方法,用练习曲和乐曲相结合的、循序渐进的方法来进行教学。他为二胡创作的练习曲中,很重视第一把位的基础联系,其中包括全音、半音联系、推拉方法联系、吟绰注和打弦各种技法的练习、常用调的练习等,从简到繁,从易到难。他还用京戏的曲调 编写了两首练习曲,使学习者能掌握多种演奏风格,可见刘天华的良苦用心。