关键词:琵琶; 叙事性; 埋伏; 九里山; 流派
Abstract:" ambush on all sides" is China's Pipa Wu Divertimenti 's masterpiece, is the precious treasure of national music culture. This paper briefly introduces the history and the pipa Pipa classification, then according to their own playing" ambush on all sides" in the process of comprehension of some performance skill and emotional characteristics, a detailed analysis of this paragraphs describe the historical scene and using a unique approach, and the need to pay attention to when playing tricks and tips.
Key words: Lute; narrative; ambush; Nine Mile Hill; genre
传统琵琶武曲情绪激烈雄壮,节奏复杂多变,结构精致绵密,旋律层次分明,富于戏剧性,多用大力度的右手演奏技巧,手法复杂,擅长表现强烈的气氛和情绪,场面宏伟壮丽。琵琶曲《十面埋伏》便是一首典型的大型武套曲,它以独特而又逼真的音乐特点而闻名于世至今。乐曲气势雄伟激昂,风格旖旎壮美,艺术形象鲜明 常用的演奏技法有扫弦、快夹扫、煞音、绞弦、满轮等。用琵琶演奏家沈浩初的话说是:“文套长于表情,武套长于状物。”下面我就来具体介绍下这首琵琶武曲界的巅峰之作——《十面埋伏》。