摘要:侗族大歌起源于春秋战国时期,已有2500多年的历史,是中国侗族地区一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏、自然合声的民间合唱形式。同时侗族大歌对侗族的民族历史传承、教育、交际娱乐等都起到了重要作用。虽然侗族大歌已被列入世界非物质文化遗产, 但是侗族大歌的现状并不容乐观,它的传承与发展在日益发展的当今社会面临着越来越多的问题。因此,在了解侗族大歌的历史和其价值的基础上来探讨如果更好的传承和保护侗族大歌,对于保护和发扬中国的文化遗产具有极其重要的意义。
关键词:侗族大歌 历史 现状 对策
Abstract:dong songs originated in the spring and autumn and warring states period, has 25 years of history, is China a more voice dong area, no command, no accompaniment, natural back up vocalist folk chorus form. Meanwhile dong songs of dong ethnic history inheritance, education, communication entertainment have played an important role. Although dong songs have been listed in the world non-material cultural heritage, but dong songs of the situation and not optimistic, it's inheritance and development of today's society in the increasingly development facing more and more problems. Therefore, understanding the dong songs history and its value foundation up the inheritance and discussed if better protect dong songs, to protect and promote Chinese culture heritage has very important significance
Key words: Dong songs historical situation countermeasures