摘要:随着流行音乐的不断发展,人们逐渐产生了审美疲劳,对于流行音乐人们开始用越来越挑剔的耳朵聆听,混音作为这个链接上的关键环节,只要出现少许的差错就会让前面所有的努力付诸东流,所以对此项技术进行研究很有意义。本文主要就《花田错》和《简单爱》两首歌曲在混音过程中遇到的问题以及解决的方法进行阐述, 通过音乐录制软件samplitude 7.20、TC插件、waves5.0效果器插件及T-rack24母带处理软件的均衡、压缩、混响、限幅效果的预设模式,结合以上曲例,进行调制方面的分析、总结。
ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of popular music, it has the effect of a fatigued and increasingly discerning ears to listen to popular music that people began to mix as a key link in this link, as long as there is little error will make all the previousefforts to be lost, so this technology makes sense. This review focuses on the problems encountered by the "Hua Tian Cuo" and "Simple Love," two songs in the mixing process and the solution described by music recording samplitude 7.20 software, the TC plug-ins, waves5.0 effects plug-ins and T-rack24 mastering software, equalization, compression, reverb, limit the rate effect of the default mode, a combination of curved cases, modulation of the analysis summary.
Keywords: pop music;mixing;equalization;compression;reverb
本课题研究的是歌曲的后期处理-混音。重点在于归纳总结不同风格的歌曲中各效果器的运用。难点同样也在于这些典型片例片段,为了研究有意义,必须寻找不同风格的歌曲,而这些歌曲仍然需要有一定的类别性,归纳总结的规律才有意义,否则日后的工作中无法套用类似的规律。本文通过音乐录制软件samplitude 7.20、TC插件、waves5.0效果器插件及T-rack24母带处理软件的均衡、压缩、混响、限幅效果的预设模式,结合具体曲例,进行调制方面的分析、总结。最后在不同的系统中检查混音的结果,如果不能做到这一点,至少要在一个能够代表将来用途的系统上听。