关键词:转型期 弱势群体 政治参与 权利贫困
Abstract:Since the reform and opening,China has made remarkable achivements in politic,culture,social life and many other fields.However,there are many peopel can not share the rsesults of the reform such as the poor,the unemployed wokers and the famers in the period that the reform and society are making the transition. We called them vulnerable groups.The vulnerable groups are at the weak tend of position, not only in economic、culture but also in the polical rights.They are almost outstangding of the poltics participation.That is why they have diffculty to adapt themselves to the current economic and social development .My article attempts to defend the concepts of vulnerable groups’political participation correlatively and find out the resons of their political participation situation at the social redorming time,and then constructs the feasible ways of strengthening vulnerable groups’ participation.
Key words:Transforming Period ; Vulnerable Groups ; Politics Participation;Rights poverty