Abstract:Taoist philosophy of life is Taoist philosophers’(Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, etc) basic opinions concerning life, death, and the origin, development, nature, and state of life. As the representative figures of Taoism, Both Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu discuss their philosophy of life in all aspects by starting with their views of Life and Death. Different from the view of life outweighs death in Confucianism, both Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu follow way operates, treating death and life as a process of nature. Under the common ideological orientation, Lao Tzu proposes that people rely on way, to live and die, while Chuang Tzu emphasizes the view of Homogeneity of life and death on the basis of health preservation. They finally lead to the same thought that the process of life and death is a kind of natural circulation.
Key words philosophy of life, Taoism, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Yang Chu
道家对于生命哲学的孜孜不倦的探求正是出于春秋战国时期的社会背景。春秋战国时期,尤其是庄子所生活的梁惠王、齐宣王时期,是中国历史上一个变革纷乱的时代,正处于从奴隶制向封建制的过渡的时期,传统礼仪只剩下了形式上的规范,完全失去其本应有的作用。政治的大动荡引起了社会的混乱, 社会处于剧烈的动荡之中。诸候国的君主们天性残暴、嗜杀成性, 全然不顾百姓疾苦, 穷兵黩武只为满足一已之私,生活荒淫无度。在这种情况下, 当时黎民百姓的生活可谓水深火热, 到处是惨不忍睹的景象。