关键词:海德格尔 老庄 真理观 境域 缘构 对话
Abstract:There are common grounds between Heidegger’s thoughts and the Chinese ancient Taoist thoughts, in which the view of truth is especially vital because it connects the ideal of universal philosophical pursuit and the reality of people’s survival. Through the dialogue on the view of truth between Heidegger and the Taoist, on the basis of their common Ereignis and Horizont, this paper attempts to explore their similarities on the view of truth, which makes the dialogue possible. At the same time, two big vital differences are disclosed under the condition of their common grounds. The salience of the differences will not hold back the dialogue. On the contrary, it causes the opportunity and the overlapping of their mutual supporting on the view of truth and overflows with the atmosphere of survival horizont and the wonder of Ereignis.
Keywords: Heidegger ; Taoist; View of Truth; Horizont; Ereignis; Dialogue