摘 要
在现代文明的今天,汽车已经成为人类不可缺少的交通运输工具。自从1886年第一辆汽车诞生以来,它给人们的生活和工作带来了极大的便利,也已经发展成为近现代物质文明的支柱之一。但是,我们也应该看到,在汽车产业高速发展、汽车产量和保有量不断增加的同时,汽车也带来了大气污染,即汽车尾气污染。人类的生存环境已经遭到严重污染,生态平衡日趋恶化,且直接危害到人们的健康,而汽车已成为主要的污染源。解决空气污染的方法之一就是制造无污染汽车。但是生产清洁汽车说来容易做来难。目前,这一领域的进展十分缓慢。进入20 世纪以来,全世界的汽车保有量急剧增加,汽车排出的有害废气不断破坏着生态环境质量,危害着人体健康。因此,必须严格控制汽车的排放污染,研究汽车排放污染的防治技术也成了当前的重要课题。
关键词:汽车排放, 控制,研究对策
In modern civilization today, car has become an indispensable means of transport of human. Since 1886, the first since the birth of a car, it gives people's lives and work brought great convenience, it has become one of the pillars of modern material civilization. But we should also see rapid development in the automotive industry, automobile production and ownership in growing the same time, cars also brought air pollution, the automobile exhaust pollution. Human existence has been severely polluted environment, ecological balance deteriorate, and direct harm to people's health, and vehicles have become the major sources of pollution. One way to solve the air pollution that create pollution-free cars. But the production of clean car is easier said than done. Currently, this area is very slow. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the world's vehicle population increased dramatically, harmful emissions from vehicles continue to damage the ecological environment quality, endangering human health. Therefore, we must strictly control the emissions of polluting cars, research auto emission pollution prevention and control technology has become an important issue at present.
Keyword: Vehicle emissions, control, study measures.