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  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2017-05-22
  • 论文字数:11532
  • 课题出处:(一年级3班)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文





摘要:通过设计调查问卷并对调查的结果进行统计分析发现:家庭收入导致家庭物质资源,文化资源和社会资源的变量具有不确定性,直接或间接的影响大学生对高等教育认同、专业认同 、师生交流互动关系认同、教育深造追求认同,等等,进而造成各阶级大学生学习观和教育观的许多差异。根据调查问卷所获得的信息,从家庭、个人、社会等因素方面分析家庭收入导致大学生学习观和教育观诸多差异的原因,并给出自己的观点。



Investigation on the Moral Quality of College Students in Ideological and Political Education

——A case study of 1-3 grade students in school of Marxism


Abstract: Through the design of the questionnaire and to the results of the survey for statistical analysis, we find that the family income leads to a family of material resources, cultural resources and social resources of the variable is not qualitative, directly or indirectly, the impact of college students agree on the higher education, professional identity, identity the interaction relations between the teachers and students, education pursuit of recognition, and so on, resulting in differences in each class students learning concept and educational concept. Through the analysis family income lead to students' conception of learning and education differences, explore the common, find a way to resolve the difference.

 Key words: university students; family income; learning concept; conception of education ; reason

