关键词:网络治理; 公民 ;服务型政府
Abstract:Service government construction is a long-term and arduous task, especially in the 21st century today, the development of Internet provides a new method for service-oriented government construction and possesses many aspects of significance. At the same time, it proposes a bigger challenge. The development of Network provides a new opportunity for the service-oriented government construction, expands citizens' political participation channels, makes the operating mechanism of the government tend to be more transparent. .But overall, the bureaucratic thinking entrenched ,citizens' political quality is not high and the order to participate in political life is disordered. So, many difficulties about the construction of the service-types government were caused .It’s a long-term process of exploring study for government to effectively break through the dilemma for the government through network.
Key Words: Network governance; Citizens; Service government