关键词:基层政府;信息公开 ;阳光政府 ;问题;对策
Abstract:After the implementation of the government information disclosure regulations, "sunshine government" construction has obtained the certain effect. At present, some basic unit governments in information disclosure have information asymmetry, lack of citizens' right to know, grass-roots government public information untrue and information lagging etc. These problems are mainly caused by the government's self-interest and expansion and the entrenched traditional political culture concept and conservative information can bring great benefits to causes such as the temptation. Therefore, to strengthen the basic unit government information publicity, we must strengthen legal construction of basic unit government information publicity update ideas, improve the citizens' rights and democratic consciousness, strengthen citizens' democratic participation, control the government self-interesting expansion, enhance the technical levels of basic unit government information publicity, and perfect the government web site information channels.
Keywords:basic unit government ; information publicity ; sunshine government ; problems ; measures