摘 要:现代化是农业文明向工业文明的进步过程,是一股世界潮流。中国由于其厚重的农业大国历史,农村地位的改变,农民身份的转变等成为了影响和阻碍现代化发展的重大问题。
关键词:现代化 城市化 城乡关系 城乡二元结构 统筹城乡发展
ABSTRACT:The first industrial revolution as the beginning, human beings had stepped into the age of rapid development unprecedentedly, which means with the advance of science and technology and the development of industrialization, urbanization had been following inevitably. Up to this day, the trend of modernization has been sweeping across the whole world and became the ultimate goal of almost every country. China, of course , also become a member of the trend. But the process of development is not always smooth. There is no doubt that the process of modernization that arose from the capitalism countries will not be compatible easily with China. Instead, there are lots troubles have arisen , practically, one of those is the disappearance of Chinese villages which is connected closely with the status of China now. From the perspective of history, this dissertation will show a review of the changing relationship between urban and rural areas and discuss the inner and outer reasons why many villages disappeared in the trend of urbanization. The dissertation will exemplify a village called Wangi, which is located in the Huining county of Gansu province and show the influence of urbanization. Then, at the end, there are some conceive of rebuilding the village in China.
Keywords:modernization;urbanization;urban-rural relationship;urban-rural dualistic structure;;Balanced urban-rural development