摘 要:社会工作专业在中国的发展已经有二十多年,国内高校也逐渐开办了社会工作专业,然而社会工作专业学生的就业不容乐观。本文通过问卷的方式对重庆科技学院2009级社会工作专业的全体学生进行调查,了解他们目前的择业意愿和就业的情况。包括在择业方向、就业地区、薪酬待遇等方面的意愿,并对影响其择业的因素进行分析。同时调查他们对学校社会工作本科教学的建议和反馈,比如专业课程设置是否合理、学校师资力量是否充足。为解决相关问题提供数据资料,提出具有可操作性的对策和建议。
关键词:社会工作 毕业生 择业意愿 就业情况 专业教育
ABSTRACT:The social work has development 20 years in China.Colleges and universities have gradually opened the social work profession.However, the employment situation is not optimistic. This paper will investigate the 2009 all students in the social work profession in Chongqing Science and Technology university .To find out their current career will and the employment situation. Including career direction ,employment, remuneration and analysis of the factors affecting it. And Investigate their attitude about the school education,such as professional curriculum (including theoretical courses and practical classes) is reasonable, the adequacy of school teacher. To solve problems and put forward countermeasures and suggestions operable.
Keywords: social work ; graduate ; careers will ; employment situation ; professional education