摘 要:为了更好的构建和谐社会,社会工作这一职业将被逐渐重视和认同。作为社会工作事业的新生代力量,社会工作专业的学生将成为大众关注的焦点。而社会工作事业的核心,也就是社会工作者的素质素养,不仅直接影响着社会工作事业的开展,更影响着构建社会主义和谐社会事业的顺利进行。
关键词:社会工作者 胜任特征 维度 因素
ABSTRACT:In order to build a harmonious society, the occupation of social work will be gradually attention and recognition. As the new generation of power of social work, social work students will become the focus of public attention. And the social work of the core, also is the social worker’s quality, not only directly affects the social work development, also affects the construction of socialist harmonious society smoothly.
In this study, social work students as the research object, through the literature analysis and practical investigation, using questionnaire survey to study law. To construct the social worker competency factors through the questionnaire survey way, and on the basis of understanding the importance of a social worker competency and social work students and on how to improve the quality of social workers for advice. This study will provide effective reference to understand themselves and education of social work students training social talents.
Keywords: social worker; competency ; dimension; factor