摘 要:21世纪以来,我国青年失业问题日益严峻,失业人数稳步攀升,我国青年群体的就业问题带来的挑战也越来越严峻,而大学生正是这一群体最重要的输出。尚未步入社会的大学生群体如何迎接将至的诸多就业问题,令社会各界担忧。由于缺乏社会阅历和择业经验,大学生势必在择业前会面临一系列的困惑。要解决大学生就业困惑的途径是多方面的,除了依靠政府及时顺应形势并做出宏观上的调控以及社会创造更好的就业环境以外,学校社会工作的开展提供了一个新的契机和途径,社会工作作为一种新兴的专业助人活动,通过运用个案、小组等工作方法在一定程度上能帮助大学生群体走出就业困惑,顺利完成这一重要群体的角色转变。本文在分析大学生面临的诸多就业困惑的基础上,着重探讨学校社会工作介入大学生就业困惑的优势、理论视角以及工作模式。
关键词:学校社会工作 大学生就业 就业困惑 社会工作
ABSTRACT:In 21st Century, unemployment of the youths is becoming increasingly serious and the number of the people unemployed is increasing. It is becoming more and more difficult for the Youth group to find a job, among which, College students is the most important output for this group. How to deal with the problems upcoming with employment is now a big concern from each fields of the society. So there is no denying that the college students will face a series of confusion when locating a job. Meanwhile there are many ways out to solve the above mentioned confusions. In addition to depend on the government to timely make some micro economic policy, it is also a good solution for the society and school to make some preparations. Economy-marketization and Government functionalization is now providing a platform for our socialism to make some development. The importance of the social works is improving, and the school social works is fast developing by making the school as the carrier. As a professional assistance work, social works, to some extent could also get the college students out of dilemma by utilizing special case, group and etc, and successfully make the role transfer for such important group.
Keywords:school social work;college students employment;job confused;social work