关键词:中学生; 逆反心理; 积极意义; 危害; 疏导策略
Abstract: Nowadays, with the increase of social rhythm, junior students' psychological activity is becoming more complex.Especially as time goes on,their knowledge and social experience get richer,which makes the influence of reverse psychology attitude to high school students are also increasingly bigger.First of all,what we can do is to explore the reasons of the rebellious attitude,after that we can find the scientific method to slove the problem.In order to encourage their healthy growth,correct guidance measures must be taken to help them pass this period of age.It not only helps students understand their own shortcomings and perfect personality, but also palys a significant role in the school education of thought moral character and building a healthly and perfect public opinion environment.
Keywords: Junior students;Reverse psychology;Positive significance;Harm,Persuation measures
一、中学生逆反心理的基本认识 1
(一)中学生逆反心理的界定 1
(二)中学生逆反心理的特点 1
1、盲目性 1
2、社会性 2
3、自发性 2
4、多变性 2
(三)中学生逆反心理的影响分析 2
1、逆反心理大多是消极危害的 2
2、逆反心理中的积极因素分析 3
二、中学生逆反心理的类型 4
(一)超限逆反 5
(二)情境逆反 5
(三)信度逆反 6
(四)禁果逆反 6
(五)自主逆反 6
三、中学生逆反心理的原因分析 7
(一)学校教育工作中的失误 7
(二)家庭和社会消极因素的影响 7
(三)中学生心理发展的客观变化、认知水平偏差的影响 8
四、中学生逆反心理的疏导策略 8
(一)运用逆反心理的正效应与积极作用,引导学生认知的正确发展 8
(二)身教重于言教,创设和平民主和谐的家庭氛围 9
(三)从教师本身入手,消除学生来自学校教育的逆反心理 9
(四)正确引导学生关注社会文化,杜绝不良社会风气对学生的影响 9
(五)青少年应注重自我身心发展,展现自我价值,成功度过叛逆期 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12