【摘要】 随着全球化趋势的发展和改革开放30多年的深刻影响,我国社会呈现文化多元化趋势,这无疑会对人们的思想观念产生深刻地影响。作为当代大学生,伴随改革开放的不断深化而成长,他们处在一个文化多元化的大环境下,其思想政治观念的总体状况,包括对马克思主义理论的态度、大学生的人生观和信仰现状,大学生理想和道德观现状、大学生对入党的态度、大学生对社会热点现象的看法等等,都不同于以往大学生,对此,大学生思想政治教育工作应从校园、社会、家庭三方面入手,确定以责任意识为重点的工作新思路。
【关键词】大学生; 思想政治状况; 变化原因; 新对策
【Abstract】Along with the development of globalization and the reform and opening up 30 years of profound influence, our social presentation of cultural diversity trend, this will no doubt on people's ideas have profoundly influenced. As a contemporary college students, with the deepening of reform and opening up and development, they are in a multicultural environment, its ideological and political ideas of overall situation, including Marx theory, the attitude of College Students' Outlook on life and values of college students, ideals and morality value situation, college students to join the party, the attitude of community college students the hot spot phenomenon perception and so on, are different from the previous to this, college students, ideological and political education of college students from the school, family, society three respects proceed with, determine the sense of responsibility as the focus of the work of new ideas.
【Keywords】College students; ideological and political situation; Causes of change; new countermeasures