关键词:新课改 教学理念 转变 问题 对策
Abstract: Like educational philosophy, like education, educational philosophy has a guiding effect to education. Since 2001, many places had actively explored the implementation and enforcement of the new curriculum ideas and had achieved great success. But in rural areas, the concept of the new curriculum in politics class were not been carried out smoothly due to the subjective and objective factors. Rural secondary schools have encountered many obstacles factors in the process of the change of teaching philosophy, which not only cut down teaching effectiveness of the political class in rural secondary schools, but also restricts the function of ideological and political education. This article will explore the problems in the process of transforming the teaching philosophy in political class in the rural secondary schools, and propose coping strategies to enhance the effect of ideological and political education in rural middle school.
Key words: new curriculum teaching philosophy transformation question countermeasures