关键词:儒家孝道 农村 家庭养老
Abstract:China has entered the aging society, the pension problem is highlighted particularly, especially the rural old-age problem caused wide concern. In the primary stage of socialism of today and the future, family support for the elderly is still the dominant mode of providing for the aged in rural area in China. Confucian filial piety is an important part of China's traditional culture, also is the most basic spiritual pillar of maintaining family. In order to solve our country rural family endowment problem, we should actively utilize Confucian filial piety culture of favorable factors to give full play to the social functions of Confucian filial piety. Therefore, vigorously carry forward the Confucian filial piety still has very important practical significance.This paper aims to analyze the current Chinese rural family pension problems, to reveal the role the Confucian thought of filial plays in the rural family support, and strengthen the family nursing morality. In the end, I put forward some suggests to help dissolve and ease some prominent contradictions on the supporting the elders in rural places.
Key words:Confucian filial piety rural area family support for the elders