摘要:作为信息时代的最新产物 —— 政府微博,进一步增加了民众的知情权和监督权,对促进我国政府向服务性政府转型有着重要的作用。然而,我国政府微博在快速发展过程中,依然存在着一些不足。本文针对当前政府微博中存在的不足展开分析,并进而提出完善政府微博的若干对策。
关键词: 政府微博 信息公开 完善
Abstract:Government micro-blog as the latest products of the information age, has great significance. Government micro-Bo has further increased the public's right to know and to supervise, on promoting China's transition to a service the Government has an important role of the Government. However, the Government micro-blogging in China in the process of rapid development, remained insufficient. Out of this article against the current Government of microblogging in analysis, and to further improve the Government effect analysis of micro-Bo.
Key words: Government micro-blog, Information publicity, Perfection