关键词: 苏南农村妇女 乡村治理 意愿
Abstract: Rural Governance and women’s political participation has been the focus of the academic community. Woman is one of the subjects in political participation, and is a sign of civilization in social and political. However, because of many reasons, rural women are still in a week position in political, especially they lack in participation of rural governance, and did not play a good role in it. This study will focus on the southern Jiangsu rural women’s participation in the willingness of the rural governance .It will focus on such problems:How is the current situation about the southern rural women’s participation in the willingness of the rural governance, what kinds of problems lie there and how these problems affect their participation? Based on the investigation of description,problem diagnosis and lesions analysis, this study tries to discuss the approaches of the rural women’s participation in rural governance ,in order to expand the women’s political participation, and to let the rural women participate in the process of rural governance.
Keywords: rural women in the south of Jiangsu, rural governance, willingness