关键词:农民工 工伤保险 制度
Abstract: The peasant-workers are the modernization of labor, migrant labor safety is protected inevitable requirement of the development of our country's labor. But because of the relevant government department doesn't value, the protection of the duties of displacement, supervision is imperfect, the peasant workers' own consciousness, etc on migrant workers causes, the laws and regulations of inductrial injury insurance system is imperfect, the executive does not reach the designated position, ill supervisory and migrant workers is not guaranteed of inductrial injury insurance. Therefore, inductrial injury insurance formulated special legislation, migrant workers clear responsibilities, each department set up a special supervision department, improving peasant workers legal rights consciousness, will benefit our country inductrial injury insurance system construction workers, promoting harmonious social development.
Keywords: Migrant workers Inductrial injury insurance System
目前大量企业仍未参保的主要因素。用人单位依照条例规定应当参加工伤保险而未参加的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正;未参加工伤保险期间用人单位职工发生工伤的,由该用人单位按照条例规定的工伤保险待遇项目和标准支付费用。除此之外没有别的惩罚性规定。实际情况是,那些没有为农民工参保、 给予赔偿的用人单位极少受到过任何处罚。在劳动关系的建立上,《劳动法》 等对用人单位不与农民工签订劳动合同的处罚只责令改正,对仍未改正的行为没有进一步的处罚规定;在劳动保护方面,对延长劳动时间、不依法提供劳动保护措施的行为缺乏强硬的处罚措施。另外,劳动部《关于贯彻执行劳动法若干问题的意见》规定:“只要形成劳动关系,即劳动者事实上已成为企业、个体经济组织的成员,并为其提供有偿劳动,适用劳动法。”其本意是要加强对劳动者的保护,但也助长了用人单位干脆不签合同或懒得签合同的侥幸心理,因为出现责任承担的可能性毕竟很小。由此,难以有效治理企业违法行为,违法成本低使农民工工伤保险的强制性成为空谈,并危害了公平性。