摘要:本文描述我国当前毕业生的就业状况与南京晓庄学院当前毕业生的就业状况,分析了女大学生面临的就业传统歧视、就业机会不均等、就业竞争不公平、保证体制不完善、 法律法规滞后等严峻形势,给女大学生就业造成了较大的压力。通过对相关问题的调查问卷分析,提出消除女大学生就业歧视和维护女大学生的合法权益,并建议女大学生转变求职观念,挖掘自身优势,积极参与市场竞争,树立创业意识,实现自我就业。
关键词:女大学生 就业现状 原因 对策
Abstract: By analyzing the current status of employment of graduates with nanjing xiaozhuang college graduate employment status, current emphatically analyzes the female university students are confronted with employment traditional discrimination, employment unequal opportunity, employment competition unfair, guarantee, imperfect system, the laws and regulations lag etc grim situation, give female college students' employment caused larger pressure. Through the questionnaire to the related question analysis, proposed eliminating female college students employment discrimination and maintaining the lawful rights and interests of female college students and suggestion of female college students employment concept, mining change their own advantages, actively participate in market competition, establish the pioneering consciousness, fulfillment employment, etc.
Keywords: Female college students ;Employment status ;reason ;countermeasures