关键词:纳西族; 东巴文化; 生态道德观; 欠债和还债
ABSTRACT:The nature's ecological ethics "In Debt" and "Paying off Debts" in Dongba culture include three aspect: respecting nature, thanking nature and “Paying off” by morshiping nature spirits which possess religionsness,simplicity, authority, blendly and murality characteristics the ecological ethics make human being respect nature and live in harmony with nature, it not only bound the scientific concept of development and it has important practice signficance for ecological environment protection. During the process that The NaXi nationality innerit and carry forward DongBa Culture “In Debt” and “Paying off Debts” ecological ethics exit many problems, and which is top priority to face up to and analysis those problems, and then proposed solutions to problems of it.
Keywords: The Naxi nationality; Dongba culture ; Ecological ethics ; “in debt”and “Paying off debts ”