【关键词】 食品质量安全,政府部门,监督
【Abstract】In the industrial market to expand, accelerate the spread of the information society in the context of the message, food quality and safety problems were frequently placed in the major news media exposure, is called “Hunger breeds discontent,Food safety is the first to”, the people of these events increasing for concern and criticism. The face of increasingly serious food quality and safety issues, the Government has also taken a series of measures to supervision, however, food quality and safety issues is still not optimistic. Based on this, the author through statistics, interviews, comparative analysis, questionnaires and other methods, on the public management from the perspective of government regulation for food quality and safety supervision County C problems and reasons, through questionnaires and visits on C County food quality and safety supervision for analysis and understanding of food safety supervision problems, ues for reference the experience of developed countries, from the international environment to grasp County C direction of improvement of food safety mode has certain practical significance for improving of County C food safety regulatory model provides a theoretical basis.
【Key Words】 Food quality and safety,Government departments,Regulatory