【关键词】 农村“留守儿童”,教育,连江县川石村
【Abstract】 With the constant quickening of the urbanization process of our country,the surplus rural labor force will shift to the city massively,and the team will be huge and huger. The social structure of the “two yuan” in urban and rural areas which has been existing in Our country for a long time and system reform lagging behind relatively leads to the fact that a lot of peasants going downtown to work can not bring their children into the town to live,go to school,SO the “Liushou children” phenomenon appears. And these children are in all crucial age in their socialized process,being influenced by their going-out parents and other factors,their socialization can not go on normally,their psychological or physiological growth faces series of problems. How to solve this problem is relative to the development of the rural education. the building of “new countryside” and the structuring of the well—off society. The present thesis,adopting observing method,questionnaire method,based on the current situation and education of rural hometown-remained children,carry on a detailed analysis of reasons and solutions to problems in education about the ChuanShi village in Lianjiang County.
【Key Words】 rural hometown-remained children,Educational,the ChuanShi village in Lianjiang County
本文研究以“留守儿童”的教育问题为视角,在梳理连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育问题存在情况的基础上,通过对连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育所存在的问题和原因分析,力图完善以解决连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育问题为导向的理论和对策建议。研究成果需要包括以下几个关键要点:一是,连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育所存在的问题与原因分析。通过实地调研和问卷调查获得的第一手资料论证分析目前连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育所存在的突出问题,并在此基础上进一步分析其造成的原因,为下文对策的提出做好铺垫。二是,国内外解决 “留守儿童”的教育问题的基本经验梳理,为连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育问题提供借鉴;三是,提出解决连江县川石村“留守儿童”的教育问题的对策与建议。经过上文的实证分析,将 “留守儿童”的需求作为研究的出发点和落脚点,得出切实可行的对策建议。