关键词:微博 企业 微博营销 品牌塑造
ABSTRACT:In recent years, the microblogging marketing as a new marketing widely used in the business community has been the recognition of the business people and media organizations, academic research is gradually increasing, but most studies are summary of the marketing and development of micro-Boin elaborate, however, its application in future trends and to face the problems and did not do too much in real terms of how to improve.
Microblogging theoretical basis, the course of development, characteristics, role and impact development status were analyzed and summarized met microblogging marketing trends, enterprise how to use the microblogging communication platform to create corporate brand, as well as at this stage problemssolution. The theoretical basis for the corporate enterprise microblogging marketing and precautions.Performance assessment is to show enterprise organization to established standards for basic, For its staff in work on the working behavior and work in the case of the collection, analysis, evaluation and feedback process.Microblogging as a media platform for individuals and organizations to express individuality the microblogging Tencent Weibo, Sina microblogging, as well as movie "High Fidelity thirty-three days" how to take advantage, for example, has created a media miracle, the outcome of the dissemination of real-time information to the public,interact with the public in a timely manner, the shape of a populist image in the pubBlic mind.
Keywords:Microblogging; Enterprise; Microblogging marketing; Branding
活动互动性和参与度低一直是网络营销的瓶颈,究其原因在于参与活动需要改变用户的网络行为,而且参与方式一般比较复杂。和传统营销单向推广相比,社会化媒介最重要的属性就是透明度,企业可以听到最直接、最及时的用户反馈,通过双向沟通, 让客户更加满意。微博已经成为互联网重要的交流平台和营销阵地,作为企业的一个重要营销舞台,每个粉丝和听众的后面都是一个可能的潜在客户。