关键词:幸福指数 工作绩效 实证研究
ABSTRACT:The core of the competition of 21 century lies in the competition of talent. Reserve employee, especially key employee, enterprise talent is in future commercial competition do not defeat land. To attract and reserve talent, must train the hero of employee for enterprise to seem have to belong to sense. Is connection the important link between employee and organization, job performance and the important factor that affects employee working happy index have close connection. This paper discusses for this problem, aims at referring to forefathers to study happy index and work the foundation of effect goes up, find respectively to affect working happy index and job performance the major factor of effect, pass on this foundation really certificate analysis excavates working happy index and the job performance major dependency relation of effect.
In this paper, the design of targeted questionnaires for happiness index and the relationship between job performance empirical research on the impact of the work of many factors happiness index using stepwise regression analysis, which found work happiness index for overall job performance factors significantly associated .
Through investigation and analysis, the paper work happiness index can be obtained workload, self-realization, organizational commitment, work environment, job involvement and supervisory support to full performance and other factors. On this basis, come to improve employee happiness index recommendations. During the study, there are some problems, such as small sample size, the survey narrower issues such as the future course of the study will be gradually improved.
Keywords:happiness index;job performance;empirical research