关键词:色彩 汽车营销 色彩营销
ABSTRACT:As social and economic development, people's living standards improve; car from the luxury goods is gradually transformed into public and even fashion goods. Consumers on their own feelings and more attention want the car can not only bring convenience for the work and life, but also want the car to be able to reflect their personality charm. Color is the most intuitive external car feel, therefore, became the automotive marketing new value. China's automobile sales in the current color marketing is still in its infancy, car prices on color marketing concept is not strong, the domestic consumer groups is not yet ripe. In this context, how to color marketing to drive car sales in China's current automotive industry is facing a major problem. Changan Automobile unfolding new color marketing campaign, which will be China's automobile industry, began to push a visual peak.
In this paper, an example of color with Changan Automobile marketing application in the automotive marketing analysis, the first analysis of the role of color in marketing as well as domestic and foreign scholars on the definition of marketing, and then the Color Marketing domestic auto industry in the status quo analysis, the final color marketing for automotive enterprises to carry out the problems encountered in the proposed amendments.
Keywords: Color;Automotive Marketing;Color Marketing
色彩具有先声夺人的效应和魅力所在,每个人看到的色彩都会有不同的感觉,不同的色彩能让人产生不同的情感联想。在美国市场营销界中,总结出了“七 秒定律”,即消费者会在七秒时间内做出是否有购买商品的意愿决定。产品所留给消费者的第一印象很可能会引起消费者对产品的浓厚兴趣度,可能使消费者产生在功能和质量等其他方面对产品有进一步了解的欲望。如果企业对产品的视觉效应不重视的话,那失去的不仅仅是消费者的那一份简单的关注,更将可能是失去一次良好的商机。恰恰在这短短七秒内,色彩对消费者所起的决定性因素占67%之多,这就是二十世纪80 年代所出现的“色彩营销” [2]。