关键词:阿里巴巴 O2O 电商模式 O2O电商模式
ABSTRACT:Along with the continuous increase of Internet technology, electricity industry developing rapidly, Alibaba group, as China's biggest electric company, since 6 years in O2O business model, through years of development, has become a domestic O2O electric business model chain is the most perfect layout electric business enterprise. This paper mainly studies the layout of the Alibaba O2O strategy. First introduced our country O2O electricity mode application in our country and the present situation of academic research; Secondly, in view of the O2O concept, characteristics, application status analysis; Again, combined with the specific case of Alibaba the layout of the O2O electricity business model for depth profiling, finally delve into Alibaba O2O local problems and optimization idea. Through the research of this paper provides the theory basis for the development of the 020, to the electricity industry in our country the development of multiple formats.
Keywords: Alibaba; O2O;electricity business mode;O2O electric business model