关键词:文化差异 国际营销 文化冲突 规避
ABSTRACT:Culture is a complex whole, includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and the human being in society all kinds of abilities and habits. In the different groups in different regions, have different religious beliefs, customs, ethics, legal system, aesthetic system and so on, so there are different ways of thinking and behavior rule. Global economic integration is the irresistible trend of history, the development of international investment and international trade, the foreign enterprises increasingly fierce competition in international markets. Nowadays, both developed and developing countries, in the process of the national economic growth and development, have close contact with themselves in the international economy, participate in the international division of labor, to join the international market. To the different culture background, transnational business operation of international enterprises, will face friction and collision from different cultural systems domain, cultural conflict is a factor that cannot be ignored in the international marketing.
Keywords:Cultural differences;International marketing;Cultural conflict;avoid