关键词: 酒店,服务,投诉, 翡翠皇冠假日酒店
Abstract:The hotel is a product of the times. In today’s information society and globalization, the hotels occupies an indispensable position, for all types of travelers to provide convenient, comfortable service. With the need of the social development, hotel industry between the more fierce competition, and it lead to oversupply, source directly affect the number of hotel profitability as well. So if the hotel want to play resource advantage of whole hotel, they should pay more attention to the image of the establishment. Besides, the hotel building of good image is reflected by the customer evaluation. So how to enhance the customer evaluation, reduce customer complaints is very important. This paper focuses on the analysis of customer complaint processing and hotel image of the set and the relationship between importance.
Key Words:Hotel, service, complaints, jade Crowne Plaza Hotel