Abstract:Because of the public welfare,college canteen couldn’t sell service in the view of profit purpose.In the mean time,as many people take their meals in the same time,it is especially important to ensure security. In the circumstance of colleges and universities are reforming their logistics systems to be more open to the market,people are still worrying about food security,how to manage the canteen effectively,keep competitive strength and ensure security and sanitation is becoming an urgent study to research.Through studying the circumstances of Cafeteria management and integrating the experience of Changzhou University ,the paper explains the effectiveness of introducing 7S lean management to college canteen.The paper explains the method and tactics of Changzhou University at large.At last,the article suggests that,the college canteens should move forward to make the management more scientific,not only Just to satisfy with the 7S mode.
Key words:college;7S lean management; canteen ;management
自泰罗对搬运工进行动作分析,提出提高生产率的标准动作规范以来,管理理论历经科学管理理论、古典组织理论、行政组织理论到行为科学理论以及现代管理理论中的决策学派理论、管理科学学派理论等,各种管理理论至今仍没有走出“管理理论的丛林” [17] 。7S精益管理仅仅是“管理理论的丛林”中小小的点缀。严格说来7S精益管理只是一种管理方式,而不能说是一种管理理论。
徐耀群, 郑皓把5S的管理活动视为推行其它管理如TQM、ISO、TPM的基础 [18] 。JIT、ERP以及管理科学理论中其它的管理方式和思想均较5S或7S更为先进。在企业管理中,不能迷信“S”理论,应该把它视作管理科学和精益化的基础。高校食堂的管理的精益化应以7S为起点,在此精益化基础上进一步搞好ISO9001 : 2000 质量管理体系、HACCP 食品安全管理体系、ISO22000 食品安全管理体系等各项系统的建设和维护。未来应该更加注意对7S精益管理模式和其它模式或体系的整合的研究。