关键词: 旅行社,出境旅游,削价竞争,现状
Abstract:Outbound profitable, competitive scientists contributed to the reasons for travel. Travel between the peers, by reducing the price of outbound direct line to attract customers. This article, the example of price competition from the outbound issues derived analysis to the competition between industries mainly of price competition at the present stage of Chinese travel agents as well as the adverse impact of various problems arising from such combined price competition on the travel management model, proposed by travel agencies should pay attention to market demand, timely adjustment of competitive strategy, outbound service quality specifications and management. In addition,Countries, government and related industries should be more cooperation and coordination to develop a set of strict quality management system, standardize the quality of service and outbound management level, to improve tourist satisfaction, to bring long-term profits for the travel agency.
Key Words: Travel agencies, outbound tourism,price reduction competition, situation