关键词: j2ee,extjs,hibernate,struts
Abstract:This paper discusses the basis of technical specifications to develop j2ee based on B/S structure of the educational administration system in operation. Main features include:teaching information inquiry this semester, before teaching information inquiry,commenced for the semester teaching information management, results entry, makeup test input, re-entry results, performance query and modify user passwords. Extjs front of them to do with the show, backstage with the two mainstream framework hibernate and struts. In order to achieve the logical separation of data and use data services bean and bean were subject package of information and operation of the database. In particular the operation of the database, using hibernate for the relationship between the sql into object-oriented approach, not only to check on the statement more structure, but also multi-table query to achieve easier. Results of this study is through practice j2ee java language specification and based on B/S structure of the academic system, networking and platform independence.