Ticket income is a main revenue for 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. The tickets vendition decides success or failure of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. Through to the Asian Games admission ticket sale influencing factor’s analysis , the reference all previous years Olympic Games ,the Asian Games admission ticket sale experience ,proposes Guangzhou Asian Games admission ticket sale way. Using the literature material law and the case analytic method ,through to the Asian Games admission ticket sale influencing factor’s analysis ,the reference all previous year Olympic Games ,the Asian Games admission ticket sale experience ,proposed that Guangzhou Asian Games admission ticket sale way for online booking ,sells on behalf of someone the mesh point booking ,the telephone to order ticket ,the real time booking ,to be divided the rank sale ,the group ticket sale ,the through ticket sale , the low ticket price and discount s the ticket sale. Question which possibly exist s in view of the admission ticket sale ,proposed that illegal resells and fabricates the Asian Olympic Games admission ticket using legal and the technological means attack. Adjust the admission ticket price using the price. Increases the propaganda dynamics to establish the ticket clerk information to communicate the platform. Implement s the preferential policy ,increases the booking rate. The being established Watch dog committee ,punishes methods violating the law and discipline and so on question to carry on the management .
Key words : Guangzhou Asian; Ticketing operation; Sports events; Ticket sales