Along with the rapid development of social network environment, the network marketing,network marketing is more and more important role in network marketing theory, soft marketing theory and the theory of dma framework, supporting network marketing, which is around to consumers for consumers, respectively, in order to improve the customer center. Respect for consumers and experience, consumers are active to accept the information, Build perfect communication bridge. Network marketing is generally for consumers to construct a platform of network interactive efficiency, adapt to the development of The Times.
To implement the specific property company operating flow zhongtian.since zhongtian company, existing in the original model including information channel and complex problems such as low efficiency, and the deficiency, combining strategy analysis theory, the consumer behavior analysis and investigation, the company implements the feasibility and necessity of network marketing.
In the original old model into the network marketing idea, build a network platform, operation channel, and channel reengineering of network information management, through the implementation of network pricing strategy and website construction, to realize the whole plan of the old model to solve the existing problems and deficiencies, eventually improve the working efficiency and increase the company's performance.
Keyword: Network platform, operation process, channel