关键词:客户满意度 收银台 排队论
ABSTRACT:Service in the supermarket, queuing phenomenon is inevitable, forecast the customer degree of waiting, reasonable arrangement of the cashier service stations, and helps to improve service quality of the supermarket. Based on field survey, wal-mart as a case study of wal-mart supermarket checkout counter current setting and operating conditions, using the queuing theory to analyze it. Based on queuing theory in the multiple M/M / 1 queue theory to study wal-mart supermarket cashier management and optimization, optimization of an optimum number of cashiers, queued to relieve congestion and reduce cost of supermarket enterprises employ the cashier. Finally in other issues, according to the supermarket to queuing problem put forward reasonable Suggestions and measures to alleviate the queuing problem, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
Keywords: customer satisfaction checkstand the queuing theory
一 引言 1
二 相关研究文献综述 2
三 重庆市主要大型超市服务台排队问题调查 5
(一) 超市排队现象调查 5
(二)顾客等待心理调查 5
四 沃尔玛超市收银台设置和运作的现状 7
五 沃尔玛超市收银台设置和运作问题研究 11
(一)超市排队系统原理概述 11
(二)超市排队模型的建立 11
1 主要符号说明 11
2 基本假设 12
3 排队模型的选取 12
4排队模型的绩效指标 13
5 系统模型的优化 14
(三)模型优化前后对比 20
六 沃尔玛超市收银服务其他优化方案 22
(一) 服务承诺 22
(二) 加强培训,提高收银员的基本素质 22
(三)有效解决收银异常现象 23
参考文献 25
致 谢 26