ABSTRACT:Inventory management in order to balance inventory needs and requirements, the need to reduce costs in order to obtain and maintain the stock. Current assets as an important stock-taking, and its existence is bound to take up a lot of liquidity. Inventory of industrial enterprises accounted for about 30% of the total, the total assets of commercial circulation enterprises, or even higher, control is directly related to the level of funds used and the operational efficiency of assets. Therefore, we should pay attention to maintaining a highly profitable enterprise inventory management. Different levels of inventory control average occupancy level of funds is a big difference. Reduced through appropriate implementation of the method of inventory control is used to increase inventory turns and the amount of money the average of total assets will ultimately improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. Inventory management not only helps to prevent the occurrence of the error log and inventory business fraud, but also enable enterprises to strengthen cost control, the implementation of low-cost strategy.
Sichuan Guang'an before the light Group Limited inventory management analysis the auxiliary materials inventory of raw materials inventory problem, the first of its demand forecasts, then the ABC classification, inventory optimization classification results as well as the same type of policy enterprise inventory management also has some reference value.
Keywords:Inventory control; Supply chain management; abc method