关键字:排队系统 仿真 服务台
ABSTRACT: As the information age public channels to reach customers, traffic system has important strategic significance and economic value. In fact, traffic system is the essence of a queuing system, through dialogue queuing theory to optimize the call waiting service system research and analysis, which can effectively improve the enterprise's image in the minds of customers.
First, this paper introduces the research methods literature review about solving the queuing system problem at home and abroad, and describes the achievements of concerning Desk obtained by scholars in detail, and introduces the related knowledge of queuing theory on operational research、the needed concepts that model related、the background of the company traffic system. Then, thronging field investigation, using least squares method to determine customer call arrives law and service time distribution function according to the survey based data, and then using χ² test to validate the degree of fit between these observations data with the related distribution. Finally, according to arrival time and service time distribution function and the correlation values determined using Excel for simulation modeling, analysis the data though the simulation modeling, and evaluate and analysis the scheme which used.
Keywords: queuing system; simulation; service desk