关键词:入厂物流 循环取货 干扰管理 模型
ABSTRACT:In the automobile manufacturing enterprise, they have Many parts suppliers, Parts pickup is an important logistics tache of the enterprises,.affecting the production and development of enterprises. But the traditional logistics replenishment methods without considering the interference problem, in practice often can not meet the demand of enterprise production logistics. In this context, interference management of milk-run mode research more and more necessary.
This passage’s writing is based on the in-depth analysis of the automotive supply logistics milk-run interference management research status at home and abroad, The research object is identified as the supplier’s interference management disturbance. First, analyzed the meaning of related concepts of milk-run and interference management issues and research’ Significance, Put forward about Suppliers disturbed auto supply logistics milk-run interference management. Secondly, establish the original vehicle scheduling model, and then identify and measure of interference, and construct a supplier disturbed milk-run interference management model. Finally, combining with an actual enterprise data analyzed case of the constructed model.
This paper established the automobile manufacturing enterprise milk-run interference management model, aiming at the possible interference based on event supplier change, can recover the coping strategies for enterprises to quickly provide disturbance events. Using interference management milk-run mode can effectively reduce the cost and the effect on vehicle production.
Keywords:Inbound logistics;Milk-run;Interference management;model