射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技术是一种非接触的自动识别技术,具有非接触性以及可对多个目标物体同时识别的特性,可以实现数据与信息非接触快速传送,强调实时跟踪和对信息的收集与监控,应用于物流领域将极大地提高物流信息的采集速度与物流作业效率,在仓储物流中的体现主要是提高物品入库验收效率、实现在库物品快速查询、减少物品在库盘点时间、提高物品出库分拣效率。RFID作为一种新的物流信息技术运用于仓储物流,可以解决信息不匹配的导致的低效率问题,提升仓储物流乃至整个物流业的信息化水平,促进智能物流的发展,提高客户服务水平。
关键词:RFID 仓储物流 物流管理
ABSTRACT: In recent years, as China's economic developed rapidly, the logistics industry flourished. As an important link in the supply chain and an important part of the storage, warehousing and logistics directly affects the efficiency of the operation of the whole development of modem logistics. The whole traditional warehousing process relies on personal work so it has problems as low efficiency, error rate, slow transmission of information and other issues.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) technology is a non-contact automatic identification technology, with non-contact and can also identify several characteristics of the target object can be achieved fast non-contact data and information transfer, emphasizing the real-time tracking and information collection and monitoring. It used in the field of logistics will greatly enhance acquisition speed of logistics information and logistics operation efficiency, reflected in the main storage and logistics of the inspection is to improve the efficiency of storage items to achieve fast query items in the library to reduce the items in the library inventory time and improve the efficiency of sorting out of library materials. As a new logistics information technology used in warehousing and logistics, RFID can solve the information does not match the result of low efficiency, enhance the storage and logistics information and the whole level of the logistics industry, and promote the development of intelligent logistics, improve customer service levels.
This paper described the RFID technology application status at home and abroad, focused on the RFID structure, working principle, advantageous features, applications were reviewed. And then it analyzed status of warehousing and logistics development, especially the information storage and logistics bottlenecks and obstacles. According to the principles of warehousing and logistics and A company's case, it helped to improve storage and logistics based on RFID technology and process design modules.
Keyword: RFID;warehouse management;logistic management