摘 要:2009年末财政部、国土资源部等5个部委联合下发《关于进一步加强土地出让收支管理的通知》,紧接着2010年初国务院出台了国十一条,进入2011年,国务院又连续发布新国八条,征收房产税的政策,住建部也调整住房公积金存贷款利率,南京市也相应出台了限购令。新一轮土地调控政策频繁出台预示着房地产市场将掀起新一轮的波澜,本文正是在此背景下研究调控政策对经营性用地出让的影响。本文采用博弈论,结合供需理论,分析政府和开发商以及公众之间的行为关系,并对这些调控政策在实践中的具体作用进行解析。研究方法:供需理论和博弈论。研究结果发现连续出台的土地政策对经营性用地出让产生了预期的效果,并进一步起到了抑制房价过快上涨的目的。
关键词:土地调控 经营性用地 博弈论 供需理论
Abstract: In the end of 2009 ,the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land Resources and other ministries jointly issued 5 "to further strengthen the management of land transfer payments," which followed in early 2010 the State Council issued a national eleven. Into 2011, the State Council issued the new national eight consecutive , the collection of property tax policy, Ministry of Housing and Urban Housing Fund to adjust deposit and loan interest rates, and Nanjing has issued a restriction order accordingly. New round of land-control policies often herald the introduction of the real estate market will trigger a new round of waves, this is in this context of control policies on the transfer of operational land. In this paper, game theory, combined with supply and demand theory, between the government and developers as well as the behavior of public relations, and regulatory policies in practice these specific roles for resolution. Methods: supply and demand theory and game theory. The results showed that the land policy of continuous introduction of commercial land transfer had the desired effect, and further serve to suppress the purpose of housing prices.
Key words: land control; business land; game theory; supply and demand theory