关键词:经济型连锁酒店 核心竞争力 7天连锁酒店
Abstract: In recent ten years, china has been enjoying rapid increasement because of the economic and tourism’s growth.Capital inflows due to the long-term development prospects of industry of economy chain hotel, leading to the accelerate expansion of the hotel and intensive competition among brand. Coupled with rapid costs raisd, hotels’ risk-bearing capacity reduced. Judging from the current situation, building up the core competitiveness and establish brand is the key to participate in the competition and win the market.
This paper take 7 Days Group Holdings Limited as an example, through analysing the technical capacity, management capacity and integration capability from the corporation's core competence theory of 7 Days Group Holdings Limited, summing up the reasons for the success of the fierce competition in the market, and finally puts forward the problems in the development process, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures of the corporation's core competence theory
Key words:budget hotel core competitiveness 7 Days Group Holdings Limited